Saturday, March 5, 2011

Second hand Bibles

My wife spent the morning garage saleing, and she brought back a trashbag of books and Bibles. One small NT caught her eye. The cover was made to look and feel like denim. Tucked away inside one of the pages she found a note written to the previous owner. It read as follows:

"To our Richard,
It is true Richard this little book contains the things we need more than money or any thing. Money will help us to get through this life, but not the life to come, and it will not bring happiness. If we don't live by this book there will never be no lasting happiness. Ma Ma love you and wants the best for you always. You are my boy.

Ma Ma. May 22, 1974"
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1 comment:

  1. Tobad this bible didn't mean anything to the receiver and ended up on a yard sale.
