Monday, December 20, 2010

12 Things I Love About Christmas

12. Christmas Music – Excluding Jingle Bells and Deck the Halls

11. Parades – What can I say, I’m a sucker for low boys with lights.

10. Egg Nogg – The Baptist kind, topped off with blue bell ice cream and a touch of cinnamon.

9. The Color Red – By far the most excellent of all colors.

8. Chicken & Dumplings – A Christmas staple.

7. Pastor’s Party – An LBC tradition full of food, fellowship, and worship. (I hated to miss it this year).

6. Buttermilk Pie – Best when eaten with a spoon.

5. Christmas Eve Punch – I know its really just sorbet and 7-up, but on Christmas eve it seems  magical.

4. Christmas Lights – The joy of lighting up the house with colorful lights almost makes me forget the time, frustration and cost it took to do it.

3. Shopping – Though I normally despise shopping, buying gifts for my wonderful, darling wife and my soon-to-be 3-year-old son is a true joy.

2. Family – Getting to spend time with all the family (including the in-laws), together and (mostly) happy.

1. Christ – Celebrating the birth of our Savior, our Lord, our Redeemer, our friend, and our God.  Remembering how the Word became flesh, to live in righteousness, and to suffer and die for the salvation of His elect.

Merry Christmas,

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