Friday, February 25, 2011

I think my barber is a racist

The barber shop relationship has always been awkward for me.  Here’s this guy with sharp scissors and razor blades haphazardly cutting hair while telling the latest gossip.  I try not to distract him with too much  idle chit chat because I don’t want to accidentally lose an ear.

I’ve been going to this barber for a few years now, mainly because his shop is literally adjacent to my office.  It’s quick and convenient.  But yesterday things took a turn for the worse when he asked me about “that black guy you work with.”  He seemed shocked that a black guy worked for an engineering firm.  He continued questioning me about his intelligence and so on.  Well, I defended my friend, who happens to be very intelligent a faithful Christian.  To say the least the conversation made me feel uncomfortable.

This was not the first incident.  A few months ago he casually offered me a porno mag to read while I waited.  I chuckled nervously as I said “No thank you” hoping he was joking.  I don’t think he was.

So this brings the question, should I change barbers?  What is my Christian duty in this situation?  On one hand, I could take my business elsewhere to a Christian (or less overtly pagan) barber.  If I do that, then maybe I should also stop eating at restaurants or shopping at stores owned by unsaved people.

On the other hand, I could continue to go to him with the motive of being a witness to Christ.  I could share the gospel with him or invite him to church.  The latter is (for me) the more difficult.  Yet I feel compelled that this is the right choice.

I’ll update y’all next month when its time for a trim.

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