Friday, January 14, 2011

BISD MLK Parade Flyer

I usually shy away from politics, especially concerning BISD.  However, when I am confronted with such bold hatred and poorly executed propaganda, I can't resist myself.

The following is the exact word for word flyer sent home to parents from BISD to encourage attendence at the upcoming MLK Day parade.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade
"Making the Dream a Reality"
Saturday, January 15, 2011
You are invited to join Regina-Howell Elementary in the MLK parade. We will have signs and banners reminding people of King's philosophy of peace, social justice and global interdependence. Help us create a large peace and justice contingent to counter the presence in the parade of militaristic organizations like the JROTC, ROTC, Police and Sheriff's Department. All BISD schools will be represented.
Parents must accompany their child/children at all times. Please wear your Regina-Howell t-shirt. All students will receive a participation gift at the parade.
On behalf of the Parade Committee, we look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your interest and participation in the 2011 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade.
Time: 8:30 am (for line-up)
Place: Franklin @ MLK (position 5)

Militaristic organizations? Well, yes, the police force is militaristic in that they carry guns and wear uniforms, but thats all part of the fighting crime gig.  I wonder if they will complain to the officers who will be diverting traffic for the parade, or the officers in charge of crowd control.  The flyer implies that the police and sheriff's department are antithetical to the idea of peace.  Does BISD view the police force as the enemy of civil peace?  Is that what they have gleaned from the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr.?  Do they expect the cops to show up with tear gas and water cannons to persecute the follows of peace?  I doubt it.  It is my opinion that this sentiment is an expression of the ignorance, prejudice and hatred in the heart of the (anonymous) author.

Hatred is a strong drug, that skews the perception of reality.  The only antidote is the grace and love of Christ Jesus (which we all need).  Therefore, I pray for the administrators, employees, and students of BISD.

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