Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is Homosexuality Natural?

One common rationale in the defense of the homosexual (gay) lifestyle is that homosexuality is natural.  The argument is that homosexual behavior can be observed in nature, making it a natural phenomenon.  This argument was cited in the Supreme Court Case Lawrence vs. Texas, which struck down sodomy laws in 14 states.  It is true that homosexual behavior is prevalent in the animal kingdom.  Recent research indicates that over 1500 different species have exhibited same-sex behaviors such as sexual relations, courtship, affection, and parenting.  These behaviors have been documented in a wide range of animals, from primates to penguins to fruit flies

There are, however, two foundational flaws in this argument.  The sociological and moral aspects of the animal kingdom are not directly analogous to humankind, and nature itself has been corrupted to an unnatural state.

My son once tried to eat his dinner by sticking his head in his bowl and lapping up the food.  He was confused by my subsequent scolding, arguing that is the way the puppy dog eats.  He failed to grasp that the rules for animals are not the same as those for humans.

Many behaviors observed in the animal kingdom would be deemed despicable and unthinkably evil if committed by a person.  Infanticide, animals killing their already born offspring, is universal in the animal kingdom.  Rodents, squirrels, butterflies, kangaroos, felines, canines, baboons, and other primates all exhibit this behavior, which is often accompanied by cannibalism.

Anyone with multiple pets can attest to the frequency that animals steal and fight.  Animals fight and kill over territory, food, and mating, but no one blinks an eye.  Why?

Because they are just animals!  They do not have a conscience or a soul, and are therefore not moral beings.  They are a different creation governed by different natural laws and moral standards.  Unlike humankind, animals were not created in the image of God and are therefore not subject to His moral law.

Secondly, nature in not natural.  God’s original creation was free from sin and defect.  Adam’s sin and the subsequent curse sent all of creation, including the animal kingdom, into a devastating downward spiral of corruption and degradation.

Homosexual acts are unnatural.  They are contrary to the original design of mankind.  In the first chapter of Paul’s epistle to the church in Rome, he describes the descent of the unbelieving apostate deeper and deeper into the bondage of sin.  One rung on that ladder into9 perdition is homosexual acts.

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:26-27).

These dishonorable passions and shameless acts are contrary to nature and to God’s Word.

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