Similarly, the Pharisees, though small in number, greatly influenced the Jews. Their hypocrisy infected the entire Jewish nation and religious system. They were concerned with the outward appearance of righteousness, but not the true inward righteousness resulting from repentance and faith. They cared more about the praises of men than they did about pleasing God. They desired respectful greeting in the marketplace and the honored seats in the synagogue. So they cleaned the outside of the cup, but left the vile filth inside. Their hypocritical leadership negatively affected the worship of the Jews as a whole.
Jesus went on to say,” I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!”
At the core of the Pharisee’s hypocrisy was a fear of man rather than a fear of God. They sought to be people pleasers, and not God pleasers. This is backwards and foolishness (after all the fear of the Lord is the begging of wisdom). Sure people have the power to ridicule, dishonor, injure, and even kill. But that’s where it ends. Almighty God, on the other hand, is the sovereign, holy judge who intrinsically has the authority to cast sinners into the hellish afterlife they have earned. Therefore, like a disobedient child fearful of daddy’s belt, we should have a healthy respect for God and take Him and His word very seriously.
At the same time, though, we are very valuable to God. Jesus explained that five sparrows are sold for about an hour’s wage, yet God has not forgotten a single one. So if God cares so much for such an insignificant part of His creation, then how much more shall He remember the creatures that bear His own image? Indeed, God values humanity so highly that He sent His son Jesus as a sacrifice four our redemption and salvation.
So whom do you fear? Do you fear the all mighty God who cares for you beyond all comprehension? Or do you fear the opinions, attitudes and judgments of other people? Do you strive to please God through repentance, faith, and obedience? Or do you strive to appear righteous so that you may receive the glory and praise from other men?
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.
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