Thursday, April 14, 2011

Does the Bible Matter In the 21st Century?

A friend of mine emailed me this link to an article on entitled Does the Bible Matter In the 21st Century? It is a short yet interesting read.  The basic idea is that the freedom and success enjoyed by western civilization is a direct result of a society built on Biblical ethics.  He relates the social and political problems we are experiencing today to the advancement of secularism. 

My fovorite quote is 

"The West became great because biblical monogamy harnessed sexual energy to build strong families, women, children, and men.Human history knows no force other than the Bible that has the capacity to dam sexual energy to build powerful families and nations."

Though at first this statement seems pequliar, after thinking about it this concept makes a great deal of sense. One of the leading causes for the degradation of society is the loss of the family unit.  The driving force behind this phenomenon is a laissez-faire view of sexual indiscretion and infidelity.

It is an interesting arcticle worth reading.

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