Thursday, April 14, 2011


The term “homophobic” implies a fear of homosexuals, yet the term is applied to anyone who opposes homosexuality or the advance of the homosexual lifestyle.  It has become an accusation which carries the political stigma of bigotry or racism.  It is a scare tactic employed by the proponents of homosexuality to discredit any opposition to this sexual perversion.  Their tactic is to paint homosexuals as victims of discrimination struggling for political and social equality.  They try and draw parallels between the homosexual movement and the civil rights movement of the twentieth century.  Their goal is to evoke sympathy for their cause.  Anyone who opposed to their idea is branded as homophobic, having a hatred of homosexuals driven by fear and ignorance.  The homosexual minority are not victims of discrimination or right-wing religious conspiracies.  Unlike racial minorities, they are a product of their own sinful behavior and choices.

I oppose homosexuality, not out of fear or hatred.  I oppose homosexuality because it is offensive to our Holy God and to His perfect law.  I oppose homosexual behavior the same as I oppose divorce, adultery, theft, and murder.  As Christians, we do not advocate hatred, insulting slurs, or violence against the homosexual community.  However, it is our duty to stand firm and proclaim the truth that homosexuality is a sin, a transgression worthy of an eternal death penalty (as are all sins).  Yet, there is the offer of hope, freedom, and life to anyone who repents and trusts in the grace and salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I have a deep sympathy for these individuals who are enslaved to the lust of their flesh.  For this reason, I oppose the social acceptance of homosexuality.  As this damning behavior becomes the norm, more and more people will become the victims of its enslavement.  I preach freedom through faith in Christ out of compassion and love, not from hatred, fear, or condescension.

Therefore, do not be conformed to this world, to the open tolerance of perversion and evil advocated by our modern culture.  Resist the advancement and acceptance of homosexuality through humbly proclaiming the truth and good news of the gospel of Christ.

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